Facts and Fictions

Power Savers

Energy saving is becoming more important as time goes on.
Much of our energy is derived from fossil fuels and there is a limit to the supply of fossil fuels that we can access. This is driving the cost of energy upwards and impacting on our every day life.
Additionally, converting fossil fuels into energy results in undesirable byproducts such as carbon dioxide and other green house gasses that are being blamed for contributing to greenhouse warming, or global warming.

There are many schemes for reducing electric power consumption. Some of these are procedural and some are product based.
Considerable energy is wasted by inefficient usage due to poor control of equipment and lighting, and with an improvment in procedures and the introduction of automation, much of this wastage can be reduced.
Recent years have seen the "cost of power" escalating due to the increasing costs of generation and this creates opportunities for the introduction of new (and old) energy saving techniques with increasing payback opportunities.
These opportunities come with risks, there is a strong interest in reducing the cost of power and some of the technologies offered will achieve some saving, there are other technologies that will not, either due to misapplication or "fraud".

Only energy that is being wasted, can be saved.